Looking for space to rent, perform or host events?
Knowing about the spaces available in Downtown Fort Collins can be a science on its own. Where can you perform? Need a rehearsal space? Don’t know how to host a special event? Just need a meeting location? We have assembled this helpful list of spaces throughout Fort Collins that artists, musicians and arts nonprofits might might consider using. The list contains information about who has PA systems, dance floors, stages, lights, classrooms,… and that venues contact information. This is not a comprehensive list and may be subject to change, but it can get you started!
Explore the spaces reference grid here to see all the possible locations in town to host your dance, art exhibition, theater performance, special event, rehearse with your band, record a new album or teach classes. See the list below to explore all the local locations that artists might use.

Special Events
If you are having a special event in a public space you need to contact the City of Fort Collins and go through their permitting process. See their planning guide, FAQs, requirements and all the details at the City of Fort Collins Special Event webpage and check the event calendar to make sure you pick a good date!
If you have an arts event happening downtown we encourage you to submit it:
- Follow this link to submit your event. Visit Fort Collins’ Community Calendar
- Make sure to place your event under the category of “Arts & Culture.”