Support Resources for Fort Collins Artists, Nonprofits & Creative Businesses

Please note that the inclusion of these links and sources does not constitute an endorsement by the Downtown Fort Collins Creative District. (updated Sept 2024) See additional pages for detailed resources.


  • Folk and Traditional Arts Grant – Apply today, open to individual artists and nonprofit organizations
  • CERF+ Emergency Relief Resources for studio artists affected by the Alexander Mountain and Stone Canyon fires
  • Starting A Business? Connect with the Larimer Small Business Development Center and check out the Colorado Business Resource Book for helpful tips!
  • Check out the Multicultural Business & Entrepreneurship Center – offering business services to the community and technical assistance.
  • The Business Foundations Technical Assistance provides technical assistance and small grants to Colorado businesses to legally establish themselves.
  • Bookkeeping Help Center – In collaboration with the Larimer Small Business Development Center and local professional bookkeepers and accountants, the Bookkeeping Help Center is operated as a project for the bookkeeping students at Front Range Community College. It provides free bookkeeping services to clients and real-world experience to students under the supervision of professional bookkeepers and accountants. All services provided to clients are free. Contact Erika Limbacher to participate.
  • The Bohemian Fund – Bohemian Foundation grant making program to support community programs and events
  • National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is has many current grants to apply for funding, relief funding or project funding.
  • Colorado’s CLIMBER small business loan fund! These are below market rate loans with favorable terms for small businesses with 5-99 employees. CLIMBER loans are available to non-profit businesses along with for-profit and sole proprietorships. Special consideration is given to small businesses located in rural, distressed, and underserved areas, including communities with low to moderate incomes. For full details and eligibility visit their website.

For Resources for Artists, Nonprofits and Creative Businesses see specific pages - links below!

WHICH ONE BEST DESCRIBES YOU? (click to get tailored resources)